Carlos J. Aldazábal (Salta, Argentina, 1974) has published the following books of poetry: Monk’s Pride (1966), Why We Want to be William (1999), No One Raises His Voice in Prayer (2003), The Country House (2007), The Bank Is Closed (2010), A Stone to the Chest (2013), The Usual Visits (2014) and Carioca Concert (2017). His poems have been translated into English, Portuguese, Arabic, and Italian, and they have been included in several anthologies, among others, The Open Canon. The Latest in Spanish Language Poetry (2015), published in Spain by Visor Libros.
Javier Alvarado (Santiago de Veraguas, Panamá, 1982). Javier Alvarado is a Panamanian poet who graduated with a degree in Spanish Language and Literature from the Universidad de Panamá in 2005. He has been awarded many prizes for his poetry, among them: Premio Nacional de Literatura Ricardo Miró de Panamá en poesía, 2015 and the Hispanoamericano de Poesía de San Salvador, 2017.
María Aveiga del Pino (Latacunga, Ecuador, 1964) is a writer, anthropologist and business woman. She graduated with a degree in Medicine from the Universidad Católica del Ecuador and in Anthropology from the Universidad Católica de Quito. She has undertaken research in the areas of Anthropology, Development and Quality Systems on national and international levels. As a business woman she has developed diverse urban projects in Quito (2000-2012). She has lived in Zimbabwe, Madagascar, Honduras and El Salvador. She has published the following collections of poems: Bajo qué carne nos madura (Mantis, 1999), Oc (Abrapalabra, 1993) and Puerto Cayo (Eskeletra, 2000); a book of short stories, Cuentos populares y mitos indígenas del Ecuador (Olañeta/Librimundi, 2003), and the ethnographic study La Pasión de Jesús. Alangasí (Ecuador Ministry of Culture Prize, 2012).
Alicia Aza(Madrid, 1966) is an attorney specialized in corporate law. She has published the following collections of poetry: El libro de los árboles (2010), for which she was awarded Finalist in the Critic’s Prize of Andalucía; El viaje del invierno (2011), for which she garnered the “Rosalía de Castro” International Poetry Prize; and Las huellas fértiles (2014), for which she was awarded Finalist in the Critic’s Prize of Andalucía. Her literary works have been included in diverse anthologies of international stature. In the field of narrative she has published short stories in several literary reviews. Her poetic work has been translated into Arabic, Bulgarian, English, French, Italian and Serbian.
A native Chicagoan, Susan Braggiotti first visited Tuscany after graduating from Indiana University. Marriage to Florentine-born pianist Mario Braggiotti gave her dual citizenship, and she has enjoyed Italy and its people all her adult life. A career musician, Braggiotti has taught and performed in the US and Italy. Between Fantasy and Tuscany is her first published novel.
José Cabrera Martos (Jáen, 1977). Poet, literary critic and Ph.D. in the Theory of Literature and Comparative Literature. He has been a professor at Beijing University (China). A spokesperson for the Board of Directors of the Andalusian Association of Writers and Critics and for the International Association of Humanism in Solidarity. He has published the following collections of poems: Sombra deshabitada (2002), Fanales entre el agua (2003) y Goethica (2009). He has been awarded with the Genil Prize for Literature, the National Prize for Poetry by the City of Ceuta and the Francisco Izquierdo Prize in the Essay. His work has been collected in diverse anthologies and translated into English, French and Arabic. He has been selected by more than two hundred critics from more than one hundred universities (Harvard, Oxford, La Sorbone, Madrid, Barcelona...) as among the seventy most relevant Spanish language poets in the world born after 1970 (El canon abierto)
Remedios Sánchez, 2015).
Alí Calderón (Mexico City, 1982) is a professor at the Universidad Autónoma de Puebla and an internationally recognized poet and literary critic. He holds a doctorate in Mexican Letters. He has received many prestigious awards, among them the Ramón López Velarde National Poetry Prize. He is the editor of several anthologies of poetry: La luz que va dando nombre (1965-1985), 20 años de la poesía última en México (2007) and El oro ensortijado, Poesía viva de México (2009). His recent works of poetry include En agua rápida (2013) and Las correspondencias (2015), which has come out in 2020 in an English translation by Jeremy Paden. His essays and poetry have been published in Mexico and other countries. The cosmopolitan nature of his work reflects his extensive travels throughout the Americas, the Middle East and Europe. He is one of the authors of Poesía ante la incertidumbre (2011),a pan-Hispanic anthology of the poets of his generation. He is the Director of the Mexico City International Poetry Festival and the co-founder and editor of theelectronic literary review and press Círculo de Poesía.
Mario Calderón (Guanajuato, Mexico, 1951) is a poet, narrator, essayist and literary critic. He holds a Ph.D. in Hispanic Literature and is a Professor of Mexican Literature in a Masters Program at the BUAP (Meritorious Autonomous University of Puebla). He is the author of nine books of poetry, among which are Trueno del temporal (1996), Vibraciones de la creación (2005) and Deletreo del mundo (2008). He has published books of research and literary criticism, and he is the creator of a scientific method for the interpretation of reading (a form of divination) based on literature, psychoanalysis and physics.
Gabriel Chávez Casazola(Bolivia, 1972). A poet and journalist, considered to be one of the essential voices of contemporary Bolivian poetry. He is the author of four books of poetry that have been published in his native country. There are also three anthologies of his poetry: El pie de Eurídice (Gamar, Colombia, 2014), La canción de la sopa (El Ángel, Ecuador, 2014) and Cámara de niebla (El Suri Porfiado, Argentina, 2014; Plural, La Paz, 2015).
Luis Correa-Díaz is Professor of Latin American Literature at the University of Georgia
David Cruz (San José, Costa Rica, 1982). Poet and Journalist. He has published two other poetry books: Nocturnal Swim-ming and Trans-Atlantic. Every story and every character has their side B, just like an old vinyl.
Fangge DuPan was born in Taiwan in 1927 into a wealthy Hakka family in Xinpu, Hsinchu. Most of her early work was written in Japanese because she began her formal education in that language. After World War II, she returned to Xinpu to teach junior high school; it was there that she met her future husband, Dr. Du Ching-shou. In 1982 she became an American citizen. During the 1990s, she served as the director of Taiwan Literature. She was also president of the Female Whale Poetry Society. By this time she was writing in English, Japanese and Hakka as a member of the “translingual generation.” In 1992 she was awarded the Chen Xiuxi Poetry Prize. Her major works are Ghost Festival, Well-Being Drama, Paper Man and Vegetable Garden. She died in 2016 at the age of 89.
Oswaldo Estrada (Santa Ana, California, 1976). Born in Perú, he is an author of fiction, an essayist and a Professor of Latin American Literature at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. He lived in Lima until the age of fourteen, when his family immigrated to the United States. He is the author and editor of several books of literary and cultural criticism, such as Ser mujer y estar presente. Also: Disidencias de género en la literatura mexicana contemporánea (2014), Senderos de violencia. Latinoamérica y sus narrativas armadas (2015) and Troubled Memories: Iconic Mexican Women and the Traps of Representation (2018). He is the author of El secreto de los trenes (2018), an adaptation for young readers of “El guardagujas” by Juan José Arreola. His works of fiction have appeared in anthologies in Perú and the United States and in reviews such as Los Bárbaros, Suburbano, Aurora Boreal, Hiedra Magazine, Literal: Latin American Voices, and Latin American Literature Today.
Luis García Montero (Granada, Spain, 1958). Luis García Montero was born in Granada, Spain, in 1958. His poetry has received some of the most coveted awards in Spanish, such as the Loewe and the Adonais. Among the most important books of his poetry are: Habitaciones separadas, La intimidad de la serpiente and Las flores del frío. He is a Professor of Spanish Literature, and at present he directs the Cervantes Institute. His work has been translated into more than twenty languages, and it is the most widely disseminated among all Spanish language poets.
Isabel Gómez Sobrino (1983) was born in Talavera de la Reina, Spain. She is Associate Professor of Spanish at East Tennessee State University. She devotes her scholarly work to adaptation and performance studies in Spanish songwriters, historical memory studies, Spanish female poets of the 20s and 30s, and poetry translation. The poems of her first book, Cenizas susurrantes/Whispering Ashes, explore diverse topics of writing, memory, existential exile, gender issues, death, and the passage of time.
Irene Gómez-Castellano (Valencia, Spain, 1979) Irene Gómez Castellano specializes in Modern and Contemporary Iberian literature, with a focus on poetry and visual studies. Her works explore aesthetic and social questions in canonical and non-canonical texts by applying as theoretical frameworks methodologies from other disciplines in the humanities such as music, art and cinema. Irene Gómez Castellano is the author of a book, La cultura de las máscaras (Madrid and Frankfurt: Iberoamericana-Vervuert, 2012) and is the co-editor, with Aurélie Vialette, of the volume Dissonances of Modernity: Music, Text and Performance in Modern Spain. Her articles have appeared in venues such as the Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies, Revista Hispánica Moderna, Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, Revista Iberoamericana, Catalan Review, Dieciocho, and Goya: Revista de arte. She is the author of the collection of poems Natación (Leiden: Bokeh-Almenara, 2015) and has been the recipient of the Premio Victoria Urbano de Creación awarded by the Asociación Internacional de Literatura y Cultura Femenina Hispánica.