New 55. Where is Here View larger

55. Where is Here


Where is Here is a collection in which Julio César Galán progressively establishes his poetic proposal: Specular Poetry/Non finito Poetry that can be summarized as bringing together rewritings and writing (“The process is the point”), in teaching through error, in showing the multiple lives of a poem... It is about accounting for its textual genetics. The definitive poem is a daydream, a translation of the unfinished, a mere sketch, “a score”, a starting point. In Julio César Galán there is a need to end the routine of the traditional poem, supposedly finished in its visible edited “ideal of perfection”, collected in a unique identity and projected in a framework with a beginning and end. This entire poetic proposal involves rhetoric: strikethroughs, differentiated fonts, outlines, footnotes and endnotes, marginalia, visual form interplay, poems within poems, words within words, various endings, inclusion of reader-creators, etc. Ways of breaking up the poem, ways of creating the book to come, ways of outlining an open work.

Author Julio César Galán
ISBN 978-1-951370-27-5  
Pages 165
Format Paperback

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I added up these willow-trees

and the result is infinite.

Between sum and sum, arms

open wide, there opens up

a distance of peoples, clear desires.

All that is written we contain.


Hands grow like sunflowers

absent from hours; fixed as the flight

of that kestrel on its prey.


Children play in the gardens,

they shrink like visions in the light,

they eddy round my chest.


I go on with my sum: I want,

humble and

joyful, everlasting joy