List of products by manufacturer Prado, Benjamín

Benjamín Prado (Madrid, Spain, 1961). Prado offers us a rich intertextual collection of fresh and compelling poems.  Inspired by Bob Dylan’s iconic poem Shelter from the Storm, there are references to Paul Celan, Milton, Coleridge. Cernuda, Rimbaud, Lorca, Machado and many others including Pound and Hemingway.  Prado weaves these figures into his text not merely as fellow poets, but as essential to the themes he writes about: love, cities, creativity, loneliness, the sea, the sky, his doubts and his existential searches.  Prado engages us all in his poetry. It is not esoteric; it speaks to everyman.  Gordon E. McNeer captures the essence of Prado’s language and poetic meaning with clarity and faithfulness.  His English is idiomatic and poetic.  This collection will be of great interest to all of us who teach Hispanic poetry as well as to all lovers of poetry.

Joseph Schraibman

  • $14.95

    SHELTER FROM THE STORM   All of Benjamín Prado’s poems are a step forward and, above all, a step within; they are combative, moving, accessible; they touch a nerve that touches all of us, and they are unanimously confessional because they are at the same time his autobiography and our own. And there is –besides– their tone and their rhythm and their beat...

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